100 One Word Substitution MCQ on Positive Attributes

100 One Word Substitution MCQ on Positive Attributes. These 100 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) covers key Positive Attributes like Benevolence and Kindness, Skill and Expertise, Integrity and Honesty, Courage and Resilience, Wisdom and Intelligence, Optimism and Positivity, Creativity and Innovation, Loyalty and Faithfulness, Diligence and Perseverance, Temperance and Moderation, Eloquence and Articulateness, Humility and Modesty, Civility and Tact, Probity and Rectitude, Fortitude and Steadfastness, Clarity and Lucidity, Friendliness and Gregariousness, Purity and Innocence, Wisdom and Sagacity.

These 100 One Word Substitution Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) will help you crack SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC MTS, SSC GD, UPSC CDS, UPSC NDA, UPSC CAPF, IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, SBI PO, SBI Clerk, CAT, MAT, XAT, SNAP, CLAT, Railways RRB exams, State PSC exams, Defense exams, Banking exams.

100 One Word Substitution MCQ on Positive Attributes: Benevolence and Kindness

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Correct Answer: B. Altruist. An altruist demonstrates selfless concern for the well-being of others.

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Correct Answer: B. Philanthropist. A philanthropist seeks to promote the welfare of others, especially by donating money to good causes.

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Correct Answer: C. Generous. A generous person is willing to give or share unstintingly.

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Correct Answer: C. Compassionate. A compassionate person feels or shows sympathy and concern for others.

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Correct Answer: B. Merciful. A merciful person shows compassion or forgiveness towards someone they have the power to punish.

100 One Word Substitution MCQ on Positive Attributes: Skill and Expertise

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Correct Answer: B. Connoisseur. A connoisseur is an expert judge in matters of taste.

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Correct Answer: B. Virtuoso. A virtuoso is a person highly skilled in music or another artistic pursuit.

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Correct Answer: B. Adept. An adept person is very skilled or proficient at something.

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Correct Answer: B. Maven. A maven is an expert or connoisseur.

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Correct Answer: B. Proficient. A proficient person is competent or skilled in doing or using something.

100 One Word Substitution MCQ on Positive Attributes

100 One Word Substitution MCQ on Positive Attributes: Integrity and Honesty

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Correct Answer: B. Integrity. Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.

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Correct Answer: B. Candid. A candid person is truthful and straightforward; frank.

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Correct Answer: B. Upright. An upright person is virtuous; honorable.

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Correct Answer: B. Forthright. A forthright person is direct and outspoken; straightforward and honest.

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Correct Answer: B. Genuine. A genuine person is truly what something is said to be; authentic.

100 One Word Substitution MCQ on Positive Attributes: Courage and Resilience

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Correct Answer: B. Valiant. A valiant person possesses or shows courage or determination.

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Correct Answer: B. Resilient. A resilient person is able to withstand or recover quickly from difficulties.

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Correct Answer: B. Audacious. An audacious person shows a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks.

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Correct Answer: B. Gallant. A gallant person is brave and noble.

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Correct Answer: B. Plucky. A plucky person shows determined courage in the face of difficulties.

100 One Word Substitution MCQ on Positive Attributes: Wisdom and Intelligence

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Correct Answer: B. Erudite. An erudite person has or shows great knowledge or learning.

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Correct Answer: B. Judicious. A judicious person has or shows sound judgment or sense.

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Correct Answer: B. Sagacious. A sagacious person has or shows keen mental discernment and good judgment; wise.

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Correct Answer: B. Sensible. A sensible person is chosen in accordance with wisdom or reason; likely to be of benefit.

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Correct Answer: B. Prudent. A prudent person is acting with or showing care and thought for the future.

100 One Word Substitution MCQ on Positive Attributes: Optimism and Positivity

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Correct Answer: B. Optimistic. An optimistic person is hopeful and confident about the future.

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Correct Answer: B. Jovial. A jovial person is cheerful and friendly.

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Correct Answer: B. Vivacious. A vivacious person is attractively lively and animated.

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Correct Answer: B. Zealous. A zealous person has or shows great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective.

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Correct Answer: B. Ebullient. An ebullient person is cheerful and full of energy.

100 One Word Substitution MCQ on Positive Attributes: Creativity and Innovation

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Correct Answer: B. Ingenious. An ingenious person is clever, original, and inventive.

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Correct Answer: B. Inventive. An inventive person is creative or imaginative.

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Correct Answer: B. Resourceful. A resourceful person has the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties.

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Correct Answer: B. Innovative. An innovative person introduces new ideas; original and creative in thinking.

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Correct Answer: B. Creative. A creative person is relating to or involving the use of the imagination or original ideas to create something.

100 One Word Substitution MCQ on Positive Attributes: Loyalty and Faithfulness

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Correct Answer: B. Loyal. A loyal person gives or shows firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution.

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Correct Answer: B. Steadfast. A steadfast person is resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering.

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Correct Answer: B. Devoted. A devoted person is very loving or loyal.

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Correct Answer: B. Faithful. A faithful person is loyal, constant, and steadfast.

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Correct Answer: B. Dependable. A dependable person is trustworthy and reliable.

100 One Word Substitution MCQ on Positive Attributes: Diligence and Perseverance

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Correct Answer: B. Diligent. A diligent person shows care and conscientiousness in their work or duties.

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Correct Answer: B. Persevering. A persevering person continues in a course of action even in the face of difficulty or with little or no indication of success.

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Correct Answer: B. Meticulous. A meticulous person shows great attention to detail; very careful and precise.

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Correct Answer: B. Assiduous. An assiduous person shows great care and perseverance.

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Correct Answer: B. Conscientious. A conscientious person wishing to do what is right, especially to do one’s work or duty well and thoroughly.

100 One Word Substitution MCQ on Positive Attributes: Temperance and Moderation

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Correct Answer: B. Temperate. A temperate person shows moderation or self-restraint.

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Correct Answer: B. Moderate. A moderate person is average in amount, intensity, quality, or degree.

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Correct Answer: B. Abstinent. An abstinent person refrains from an indulgence or indulgence in appetites.

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Correct Answer: B. Restrained. A restrained person is characterized by reserve or moderation; unemotional or dispassionate.

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Correct Answer: B. Frugal. A frugal person is sparing or economical with regard to money or food.

100 One Word Substitution MCQ on Positive Attributes: Eloquence and Articulateness

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Correct Answer: B. Eloquent. An eloquent person is fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing.

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Correct Answer: B. Articulate. An articulate person has or shows the ability to speak fluently and coherently.

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Correct Answer: B. Voluble. A voluble person speaks or writes continuously and fluently.

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Correct Answer: B. Oratorical. An oratorical person relating to the art or practice of public speaking.

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Correct Answer: B. Expressive. An expressive person effectively conveying thought or feeling.

100 One Word Substitution MCQ on Positive Attributes: Humility and Modesty

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Correct Answer: B. Humble. A humble person has or shows a modest or low estimate of one’s own importance.

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Correct Answer: B. Modest. A modest person is unassuming or moderate in the estimation of one’s abilities or achievements.

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Correct Answer: B. Unpretentious. An unpretentious person is not attempting to impress others with an appearance of greater importance, talent, or culture than is actually possessed.

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Correct Answer: B. Lowly. A lowly person is humble in spirit or manner; meek.


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Correct Answer: B. Unassuming. An unassuming person is not pretentious or arrogant; modest.

100 One Word Substitution MCQ on Positive Attributes: Civility and Tact

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Correct Answer: B. Civil. A civil person is polite, reasonable, or respectful.

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Correct Answer: B. Tactful. A tactful person has or shows skill and sensitivity in dealing with others or with difficult issues.

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Correct Answer: B. Courteous. A courteous person is polite, respectful, or considerate in manner.

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Correct Answer: B. Genteel. A genteel person is refined or imposing in manner or appearance; dignified.

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Correct Answer: B. Gracious. A gracious person is courteous, kind, and pleasant.

100 One Word Substitution MCQ on Positive Attributes: Probity and Rectitude

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Correct Answer: B. Upright. An upright person is virtuous; honorable.

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Correct Answer: B. Rectitude. Rectitude is morally correct behavior or thinking; righteousness.

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Correct Answer: B. Probity. Probity is the quality of having strong moral principles; honesty and decency.

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Correct Answer: B. Virtuous. A virtuous person has or shows high moral standards.

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Correct Answer: B. Equitable. Equitable means fair and impartial.

100 One Word Substitution MCQ on Positive Attributes: Benevolence and Magnanimity

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Correct Answer: B. Magnanimous. A magnanimous person is very generous or forgiving, especially toward a rival or someone less powerful.

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Correct Answer: B. Benign. Benign means gentle and kindly.

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Correct Answer: B. Beneficent. Beneficent means generous or doing good.

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Correct Answer: B. Amiable. Amiable means having or showing a friendly and pleasant manner.

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Correct Answer: B. Benevolent. Benevolent means well meaning and kindly.

100 One Word Substitution MCQ on Positive Attributes: Fortitude and Steadfastness

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Correct Answer: B. Fortitudinous. Fortitudinous means having or showing courage in pain or adversity.

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Correct Answer: B. Steadfast. Steadfast means resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering.

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Correct Answer: B. Resolute. Resolute means admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering.

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Correct Answer: B. Determined. Determined means having one’s mind made up; resolved.

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Correct Answer: B. Adamant. Adamant means refusing to be persuaded or to change one’s mind.

100 One Word Substitution MCQ on Positive Attributes: Clarity and Lucidity

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Correct Answer: B. Lucid. Lucid means expressed clearly; easy to understand.

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Correct Answer: B. Transparent. Transparent means easy to perceive or detect.

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Correct Answer: B. Illuminating. Illuminating means helping to clarify or explain something.

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Correct Answer: B. Explicit. Explicit means stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt.

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Correct Answer: B. Apparent. Apparent means clearly visible or understood; obvious.

100 One Word Substitution MCQ on Positive Attributes: Friendliness and Gregariousness

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Correct Answer: B. Gregarious. Gregarious means fond of company; sociable.

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Correct Answer: B. Affable. Affable means friendly, good-natured, or easy to talk to.

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Correct Answer: B. Convivial. Convivial means friendly, lively, and enjoyable.

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Correct Answer: B. Cordial. Cordial means warm and friendly.

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Correct Answer: B. Approachable. Approachable means easy to meet, talk to, or deal with.

100 One Word Substitution MCQ on Positive Attributes: Purity and Innocence

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Correct Answer: B. Innocent. Innocent means free from guilt or sin.

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Correct Answer: B. Immaculate. Immaculate means perfectly clean, neat, or tidy.

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Correct Answer: B. Guileless. Guileless means innocent and without deception.

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Correct Answer: B. Benign. Benign means gentle and kindly.

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Correct Answer: B. Righteous. Righteous means morally right or justifiable.

100 One Word Substitution MCQ on Positive Attributes: Wisdom and Sagacity

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Correct Answer: B. Wise. Wise means having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment.

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Correct Answer: B. Sagacious. Sagacious means having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgment; wise.

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Correct Answer: B. Sapient. Sapient means wise, or attempting to appear wise.

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Correct Answer: B. Prudent. Prudent means acting with or showing care and thought for the future.

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Correct Answer: B. Rational. Rational means based on or in accordance with reason or logic.

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