General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam

General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam. Test your general science knowledge with these 100 MCQs covering Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and recent advancements in Science & Technology for the BPSC exam.

I. Physics – General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam

A. Mechanics and Properties of Matter

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Correct Answer: B. Acceleration. The acceleration due to gravity remains constant throughout the ball’s motion.


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Correct Answer: B. Newton (N). Newtons measure force, not pressure. Pressure is force per unit area.


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Correct Answer: B. The wood is less dense than water.  Objects less dense than a fluid will float in that fluid.


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Correct Answer: C. They will hit the ground at the same time.  Gravity accelerates all objects equally, regardless of mass.


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Correct Answer: B. Pascal’s Law. Pascal’s Law states that pressure applied to an enclosed fluid is transmitted equally throughout the fluid.


B. Heat and Thermodynamics

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Correct Answer: C. Copper. Metals are generally excellent conductors of heat.


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Correct Answer: B. The volume increases. This is described by Charles’s Law.


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Correct Answer: B. A hot air balloon rising. Convection involves heat transfer through the movement of fluids (liquids or gases).


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Correct Answer: C. Radiation. Radiation can transfer heat through the vacuum of space, unlike conduction or convection.


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Correct Answer: B. Conservation of energy. The first law states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or transformed.


General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam

C. Sound

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Correct Answer: B. Frequency. Higher frequency corresponds to a higher pitch.


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Correct Answer: C. The relative motion between the source of sound and the observer. This relative motion causes a shift in the perceived frequency of the sound.


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Correct Answer: C. A vacuum. Sound waves require a medium (like air, water, or solids) to propagate.


D. Light

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Correct Answer: B. Converges light rays. Convex lenses bring light rays together at a focal point.


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Correct Answer: B. Concave lens. Concave lenses diverge light rays, which helps to focus the image correctly on the retina for nearsighted individuals.


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Correct Answer: B. Red, green, blue. These are the additive primary colors of light.


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Correct Answer: B. Diffraction. Diffraction is the bending of waves around obstacles or through openings.


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Correct Answer: B. To control the amount of light entering the eye. The iris adjusts the size of the pupil to regulate light entry.


E. Electricity and Magnetism

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Correct Answer: C. Ohm. Resistance is measured in ohms.


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Correct Answer: A. Is the same at all points. In a series circuit, there is only one path for the current to flow.


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Correct Answer: B. It creates two magnets, each with a north and south pole.  You cannot isolate a north or south pole.


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Correct Answer: A. Generating electricity from magnetism. This is the principle behind generators.


F. Modern Physics

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Correct Answer: A. Positive. Protons have a positive charge.


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Correct Answer: B. Beta decay. Beta decay involves the emission of an electron (or positron).


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Correct Answer: A. The relationship between mass and energy.  The famous equation E=mc² comes from this theory.


II. Chemistry – General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam

A. Basic Concepts

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Correct Answer: A. Atom. Atoms are the fundamental building blocks of elements.


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Correct Answer: C. Burning wood. Burning wood involves a change in the chemical composition of the wood.


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Correct Answer: B. 7. A pH of 7 is neutral, below 7 is acidic, and above 7 is basic.


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Correct Answer: B. Au.  Au is the chemical symbol derived from the Latin word “aurum”.


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Correct Answer: D. Vacuum. A vacuum is the absence of matter.


B. Inorganic Chemistry

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Correct Answer: A. Oxygen. Oxygen makes up a significant portion of the Earth’s crust in various compounds.


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Correct Answer: A. H2O. Water is composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.


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Correct Answer: C. Helium. Noble gases are in Group 18 of the periodic table and are known for their low reactivity.


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Correct Answer: A. Galvanization.  This process creates a protective layer of zinc on the iron.


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Correct Answer: A. They are highly reactive. Alkali metals (Group 1) are known for their high reactivity with water and air.


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Correct Answer: B. -1. Chlorine gains one electron to achieve a stable electron configuration, giving it a negative charge.


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Correct Answer: C. Bronze. Bronze is an alloy made primarily of copper and tin.


C. Organic Chemistry

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Correct Answer: A. Methane. Methane (CH4) is the simplest hydrocarbon and the main component of natural gas.


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Correct Answer: C. -OH. The hydroxyl group (-OH) is characteristic of alcohols.


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Correct Answer: B. CnH2n+2. Alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons with this general formula.


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Correct Answer: C. Butene. Unsaturated hydrocarbons contain double or triple bonds between carbon atoms.


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Correct Answer: A. Hydrogenation. This process adds hydrogen to unsaturated fats, making them more solid.


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Correct Answer: C. Polyethylene. Polyethylene is a common plastic made from repeating ethylene units.


D. Environmental Chemistry

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Correct Answer: C. Carbon dioxide. While essential for life, excess carbon dioxide contributes to climate change.


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Correct Answer: B. Burning of fossil fuels. This releases sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, which react with water to form acid rain.


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Correct Answer: A. Eutrophication. This often results from fertilizer runoff and sewage.


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Correct Answer: A. Methane. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas that traps heat in the atmosphere.


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Correct Answer: B. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). CFCs were used in refrigerants and aerosols and break down ozone in the stratosphere.


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Correct Answer: A. Desalination. This process makes seawater suitable for drinking and irrigation.


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Correct Answer: C. Food scraps. Biodegradable waste can be broken down naturally by microorganisms.


III. Biology – General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam

A. Botany

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Correct Answer: A. Photosynthesis.  Plants use chlorophyll to capture light energy and produce glucose.


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Correct Answer: C. Roots. Roots anchor the plant and absorb water and nutrients.


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Correct Answer: A. To transport water and minerals from roots to leaves. The xylem is a vascular tissue responsible for this upward transport.


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Correct Answer: D. Muscle tissue. Muscle tissue is found in animals, not plants.


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Correct Answer: B. Stamen. The stamen consists of the anther and filament and produces pollen.


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Correct Answer: B. Moss. Bryophytes are non-vascular plants that include mosses, liverworts, and hornworts.


B. Zoology

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Correct Answer: D. Insect. Invertebrates lack a backbone.


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Correct Answer: C. To exchange gases with the environment. The respiratory system takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide.


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Correct Answer: C. Reptile. Cold-blooded animals cannot regulate their internal body temperature.


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Correct Answer: A. Metamorphosis.  This involves significant changes in the insect’s body structure.


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Correct Answer: C. Whale. Mammals are warm-blooded, have mammary glands, and breathe air.


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Correct Answer: A. To extract oxygen from water. Gills are specialized for gas exchange in aquatic environments.


C. Human Biology

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Correct Answer: A. Heart. The heart is the central pump of the circulatory system.


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Correct Answer: A. To break down food and absorb nutrients. The digestive system processes food into usable forms.


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Correct Answer: A. Brain. The brain is the control center of the nervous system.


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Correct Answer: C. To fight infections. White blood cells are part of the immune system.


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Correct Answer: A. Diabetes. Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels.


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Correct Answer: A. To filter waste products from the blood. The kidneys remove waste and excess fluids.


D. Genetics and Evolution

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Correct Answer: A. Gene. Genes are segments of DNA that code for specific traits.


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Correct Answer: A. mRNA. Messenger RNA (mRNA) carries the genetic code for protein synthesis.


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Correct Answer: A. Replication. DNA replication ensures that each new cell receives a complete copy of the genetic material.


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Correct Answer: A. Charles Darwin. Darwin proposed that species evolve over time through natural selection.


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Correct Answer: A. Natural selection. This is the driving force of evolution.


E. Ecology and Environment

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Correct Answer: A. Ecosystem.  Ecosystems include both living and non-living components.


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Correct Answer: B. To break down dead organisms and recycle nutrients. Decomposers play a vital role in nutrient cycling.


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Correct Answer: A. Biodiversity. Biodiversity encompasses the variety of species and ecosystems.


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Correct Answer: A. Habitat loss.  Destruction of habitats is a leading cause of species decline.


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Correct Answer: A. Biomagnification.  This process can have significant impacts on top predators.


IV. Science and Technology – General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam

A. Recent Developments in Science and Technology

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Correct Answer: A. Nanotechnology. Nanotechnology involves manipulating materials at the nanoscale.


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Correct Answer: A. Developing genetically modified crops. Biotechnology uses biological systems and organisms to develop or make products.


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Correct Answer: A. Artificial intelligence (AI).  AI aims to create machines that can mimic human intelligence.


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Correct Answer: A. Reusable rockets.  Companies like SpaceX have developed reusable rockets to reduce the cost of space travel.


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Correct Answer: A. Internet of Things (IoT).  This technology enables devices to communicate and share data.


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Correct Answer: A. Storing and accessing data over the internet. Cloud computing provides on-demand access to computing resources.


B. Science and Technology in India

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Correct Answer: A. ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation). ISRO is responsible for India’s space exploration and satellite programs.


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Correct Answer: A. Aryabhata.  Aryabhata was launched in 1975.


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Correct Answer: D. All of the above. India has made significant strides in lunar and Martian exploration and launch vehicle technology.


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Correct Answer: A. BARC (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre). BARC is involved in nuclear research and development, including reactor technology and nuclear power generation.


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Correct Answer: A. Smiling Buddha. This test was conducted in 1974.


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Correct Answer: D. All of the above. India has several nuclear power plants across the country.


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Correct Answer: A. Agni. Agni missiles are a family of medium- to intercontinental-range ballistic missiles.


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Correct Answer: A. Homi J. Bhabha. Bhabha played a key role in the development of India’s nuclear program.


C. Science and Technology in Bihar

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Correct Answer: D. All of the above. Bihar has undertaken various initiatives to promote science and technology in the state.


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Correct Answer: D. All of the above. The policy aims to foster the growth of biotechnology in Bihar.


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Correct Answer: A. Patna. Patna is becoming a hub for IT companies and software development.


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Correct Answer: C. Both A and B. These museums aim to popularize science and technology among the public.


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Correct Answer: D. All of the above. The university plays a crucial role in advancing agriculture in Bihar.


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Correct Answer: D. All of the above. These crafts utilize scientific knowledge of materials and techniques.


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Correct Answer: D. All of the above. The council plays a key role in advancing science and technology in Bihar.


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Correct Answer: D. All of the above. Addressing these challenges is crucial for promoting scientific progress in Bihar.

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